10 Best Supplements For Women

How much do you know about supplements? Are you someone that tries to get all your nutrients from food or is it something you haven’t really considered?

There are plenty of benefits to taking supplements, not least is helping those that have vitamin deficiencies. Did you know that 1 in 6 people in the UK has a Vitamin D deficiency? Especially in the colder months of the year, in fact – this is so prevalent that the British government even suggests that people living in the UK take Vitamin D supplements each year.

There are various supplements available in the market but with so many out there, it can be difficult to work out which ones might benefit us the most. Remember, always discuss supplements with your doctor – some have side effects or should not be taken as a precautionary measure depending on your circumstances.

Here are some of the best supplements that we suggest for women.


Great for: Women with a menstrual cycle and those who suffer with fatigue

Women need iron because they lose blood during menstruation this can lead to Anemia.

Iron helps build red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Women who don’t get enough iron may experience fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. There are many different types of iron supplements available from gummy sweets to capsule format, there are also some types of iron supplements that you can take that are non-constipating if that is an issue!

Tip: Consider taking iron supplements together with Vitamin C as it boosts absorption of iron. 

Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Great for: Pregnant women

Omega 3 fatty acids are good for your brain and nervous system, it is also useful for maintaining a healthy immune system and as an anti-inflammatory. Omega 3 Fatty Acids are necessary for the growth and development of babies so it’s often recommended to pregnant women.

The best way to get Omega 3 is through oily fish, such as Mackerel, Salmon or Kippers. If you are avoiding fish because of mercury or you simply don’t like the taste, try adding flax seeds or chia seeds into a smoothie each morning.

Tip: The body doesn’t create it’s own Omega 3 like it does with other fats, meaning that you need to take this in through food or supplements, if you want to take it as a supplement try Advanced Nutrition Programmes Omega 3 Fish Oil.

Vitamin B12

Great for: All ages, but especially in those older than 60

Vitamin B12 is required for the production of red blood cells. It is also helpful to maintain healthy nerves and muscles. It is also helpful during pregnancy – it helps to prevent premature birth and low birth weight.

Vitamin B12 is another of the vitamins that people are commonly deficient in, you might have a vitamin B12 deficiency if you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet (don’t intake any animal products) or if you have issues with the creation of stomach acid (much more common in older people or if you take PPI’s). Another symptom of B12 deficiency is fatigue, low energy and mood. Taking supplements may help with these.

Tip: You can add nutritional yeast into your diet to take in B12 but make sure that the yeast you are using is fortified, regular yeast doesn’t innately contain B12. 

Calcium and Vitamin D

Great for: Protecting bones as you age.

Calcium is needed for bone formation and maintenance. It is also helpful against osteoporosis which is more common in women. Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones which causes them to break easily after the menopause, women will lose bone density due to a lack of estrogen. Women will want to take in more calcium through diet and supplements to slow down bone density loss. 

Vitamin D is yet another Vitamin that is essential to the body – many people believe that getting out in the sun gives you enough Vitamin D but you might still be in need of diet changes or supplements regardless. Sunscreen, wearing layers and living in areas with less sunlight through the year can contribute to Vitamin D deficiency, these are all quite common if you live in the UK like we do!

Tip: Your body needs adequate amounts of Vitamin D to absorb Calcium from the food you eat. If you are taking supplements for Vitamin D ensure you are also taking K2. Vitamin K2 is important for directing calcium to the bone; without vitamin K2 it is thought that excess calcium gets deposited in plaque which can build up in the arteries.


Great for: Women with hormone imbalances, anxiety and depression

Magnesium is essential for over 300 functions in our bodies, including muscle contraction, nerve conduction, bone growth, blood clotting, and heart rhythm regulation. Magnesium deficiency is common among women because of its role in menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, and menopause.

If you suffer from PMS, you may be at risk of magnesium deficiency. To avoid this problem, eat foods rich in magnesium, such as dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, fish, and dairy products.

Tip: Check with your doctor if you are taking other medications alongside Magnesium supplements as they can interact.

Vitamin C

Great for: Anyone working in healthcare settings, with children or those with athletically demanding jobs/workout schedules.

Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin, bones, teeth, and immune system. It helps prevent colds, flu and is can reduce inflammation. Vitamin C is found naturally in many fruits and vegetables, including oranges, strawberries, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, and spinach.

As well as helping to boost your immune system Vitamin C also helps to repair tissue in the body, so it’s a good call for people that do a lot of movement and get sore muscles. In addition Vitamin C has many benefits for the skin

Tip: You need between 1000mg- 2000mg of Vitamin C a day to get to all vital organs including skin. Vitamin C can’t be stored in the body. Try getting your intake through fruits and vegetables, if you struggle with this then try supplements, but don’t overdo it.


Great for: Children, teenagers and pregnant women

We don’t need much Zinc, however, that little bit truly goes a long way.

Zinc is important for two major things. Firstly, it helps with growth which is why it’s suggested for children, teens and pregnant women, as we grow we need Zinc to help build the immune system, central nervous system and skeleton as well as other parts of the body. Zinc also helps to support your immune system after it’s built so it’s also incredibly important for adult women.

Tip: Don’t take Zinc supplements at the same time as Magnesium, Calcium or Potassium. These stop the zinc being absorbed into the body, so if you are taking other supplements make sure you space them out.


Great for: Women who experience menopause symptoms

Ginseng is a root used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s believed to improve energy, endurance, and mental clarity. Ginseng is often recommended for women who experience menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.

Ginseng is known as a natural energy booster. It helps you to stay active throughout the day. It also improves your mood and mental performance. It has been used for centuries to treat various diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. It is very effective against stress and anxiety.

Tip: You can take Ginseng in powdered form to hot water, add lemon and homey for a lovely, calming drink.


Possibly great for: Women that have common histamine responses (hayfever or other allergies)

Spirulina is a blue-green algae which contains high amount of protein/amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. There is still quite a bit of research being done on Spirulina and it’s efficacy. However, it is believed that Spirulina may help with supporting the immune system and stopping the release of histamine into the body which helps with hay fever symptoms.

Tip: Avoid Spirulina if you have an auto-immune disease, it’s immune system boosting abilities could have a negative impact on your health. Keep an eye out on future research on Spirulina and it’s benefits!

Supplements in the Salon

You can find a number of supplements at the salon from Advanced Nutrition Programme. Some of these are focused on Skincare whilst others help with things like digestion or simply getting the basic supplements that you need like Omega 3 and Vitamin C. 

As always, if you have any questions about the topics involved in this blog post, feel free to pop in and say hi at the salon on Cookham Road in Maidenhead or give us a ring on 01628298040

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Ana Harmony

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