Lower Back Pain Massage: Could it help your chronic pain?

Back pain is a very common problem. It will affect 7 out of 10 of us, at least once during our lifetime and according to the British Pain Society, back pain costs £10 billion pounds per year to the UK economy.
Massage therapy has proven itself as a powerful tool for reducing chronic pain. But how does it work? What makes it effective?
We’ll answer these questions and many others in this article. I’ll also share with you five top ways to help with lower back pain at home.
Ideas for helping lower back pain at home
There are plenty of ways to treat back pain at home, including self-care techniques and some over-the-counter medications. Here are four tips to try at home:
1. Take a hot bath. Warm water relaxes muscles, making it easier to sleep at night. Try soaking in a tub filled with Epsom salts, which contain magnesium sulphate, a mineral that relieves muscle spasms.
2. Stretch. Stretching exercises can relieve tension in your back and neck. Start slowly and gradually build up to 30 minutes three times a week.
3. Sleep in a neutral position. This can help prevent neck and back pain.
4. Avoid lifting heavy objects. Lifting weights can strengthen your back and core muscles, but avoid lifting or carrying anything that might cause extra strain on your back.
What causes lower back pain?
Many factors contribute to lower back pain. These include poor posture, lack of exercise, injury, obesity and pregnancy. In addition, there are several conditions that cause lower back pain, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica, osteoporosis, spondylolisthesis, and degenerative disc disease.
These most common causes are poor posture, muscle imbalances, stress, lack of exercise, and injury.
- Poor posture is common among office workers who sit for long periods of time. When sitting, try to maintain proper posture by keeping your shoulders down, chest open, and spine straight. Avoid slouching and leaning forward toward the screen.
- Muscle imbalances is another factor that contributes to lower back pain. People with weak abdominal muscles tend to put excessive pressure on their backs (mainly the lumber region) while lifting heavy objects. Weak glutes and hamstrings can lead to knee problems, so make sure to strengthen these areas.
- Stress is another contributor to lower back pain. Stressful situations can trigger headaches, neck pain, and other aches and pains. It’s difficult to avoid stressful situations altogether but trying relaxation techniques can really help. Evening yoga classes are exceptional for this and also great for stretching and balance.
- Lack of exercise is yet another reason for lower back pain. Exercise improves blood flow and circulation, reduces tension, and strengthens muscles. Make sure to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine.
- Lastly, injuries are a leading cause of lower back pain. Minor injuries can heal on their own, but severe injuries require medical attention. If you think you’ve had an injury, seek treatment immediately.
How does massage work?
When a massage therapist applies pressure to muscles, tendons, ligaments and the fascia they stimulate the body’s natural healing response. This encourages the production of endorphins (natural opiates) and serotonin. Endorphins act like morphine and create feelings of euphoria, while serotonin helps regulate moods and sleep patterns which can be helpful for those suffering with chronic back pain.
There are several different types of massage that can benefit someone who suffers from lower back pain. Swedish massage involves long strokes along the spine, while deep tissue massage focuses on areas of tightness and knots. Reflexology uses pressure points on the feet to stimulate corresponding parts of the body.
It’s important to remember that massages aren’t just for relaxation; they can also be used to treat specific conditions. Deep tissue/ Sports massage can be helpful for relieving sciatic nerve pain, while reflexology can be useful for treating headaches and migraines.
Massage therapy is a great treatment for lower back pain and all of the complications that can come with it. Some of the benefits of massage therapy include relief from muscle tension, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
A massage therapist may use any number of techniques including Swedish, deep tissue, sports, trigger point, myofascial release, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, or aromatherapy. They may use their hands, elbows, knees, forearms, or thumbs.
Benefits of massage therapy
Massage has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of health problems. Studies show that massage reduces stress, relieves pain, increases energy levels, improves circulation, promotes relaxation, and enhances immune function.
Massage therapy is safe for most people. However, those with certain medical conditions should check with their doctor before receiving massage therapy.
In conclusion, if you suffer from chronic low back pain, you may have heard that massage therapy can help ease your symptoms. But did you know that massage therapy can also help prevent future episodes of back pain?
Research shows that regular massages can reduce inflammation in the muscles around your spine, which can lead to better posture and fewer aches and pains down below. And since most people spend over half their lives sitting, it makes sense that massage could help improve your overall quality of life.
So give us a call today on 01628 298 040 and let us show you why massage should be part of your routine. You can also pop into the Ana Harmony salon on the Cookham Road in Maidenhead for a chat.