All You Need To Know About Arm Massages

Woman laying face down on a table having her bicep massaged

 All You Need To Know About Arm Massages Arm massage can help in a variety of ways and we think having an arm massage could help! You might be sore from lifting all day at work or perhaps lack of use is causing soreness and chronic pain in your arm joints and muscles. Whatever the…

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What can upper back massage do for you?

Woman stretching on a mat to help back pain

What can upper back massage do for you? What causes pain in the upper back? Sadly, there are many things that can cause pain in the upper back, sometimes its a combination of things that causes you to notice pain in your back. Before embarking on a relaxing massage, its useful to consider where your…

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Lower Back Pain Massage: Could it help your chronic pain?

woman gently rubbing her lower back

Lower Back Pain Massage: Could it help your chronic pain? Back pain is a very common problem. It will affect 7 out of 10 of us, at least once during our lifetime and according to the British Pain Society, back pain costs £10 billion pounds per year to the UK economy. Massage therapy has proven…

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6 Reasons We Love Leg Massages

woman getting a leg massage in a beauty salon

6 Reasons We Love Leg Massages So many people don’t know the wonders of a leg massage. A leg massage is a totally relaxing treatment that has numerous benefits for your body.  If you spend all day sitting at a desk or run around a lot for your sporting endeavours, it’s likely that getting a…

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How To Recognise Golfers Elbow, Can Sports Massage Really Help?

Male with Golfers Elbow

How To Recognise Golfers Elbow, Can Sports Massage Really Help? Arm pain can be totally debilitating, especially when you are trying to get things done during the day or sleep soundly at night.  In this article, we’ll discuss golfers elbow, what the signs and symptoms are, what you should do if you experience it and…

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